import requests
import re
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import deque
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import os
# Regex pattern to match a URL
HTTP_URL_PATTERN = r'^http[s]*://.+'
domain = "" # <- put your domain to be crawled
full_url = "" # <- put your domain to be crawled with https or http
# Create a class to parse the HTML and get the hyperlinks
class HyperlinkParser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
# Create a list to store the hyperlinks
self.hyperlinks = []
# Override the HTMLParser's handle_starttag method to get the hyperlinks
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
attrs = dict(attrs)
# If the tag is an anchor tag and it has an href attribute, add the href attribute to the list of hyperlinks
if tag == "a" and "href" in attrs:
# Function to get the hyperlinks from a URL
def get_hyperlinks(url):
# Try to open the URL and read the HTML
# Open the URL and read the HTML
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
# If the response is not HTML, return an empty list
if not'Content-Type').startswith("text/html"):
return []
# Decode the HTML
html ='utf-8')
except Exception as e:
return []
# Create the HTML Parser and then Parse the HTML to get hyperlinks
parser = HyperlinkParser()
return parser.hyperlinks
# Function to get the hyperlinks from a URL that are within the same domain
def get_domain_hyperlinks(local_domain, url):
clean_links = []
for link in set(get_hyperlinks(url)):
clean_link = None
# If the link is a URL, check if it is within the same domain
if, link):
# Parse the URL and check if the domain is the same
url_obj = urlparse(link)
if url_obj.netloc == local_domain:
clean_link = link
# If the link is not a URL, check if it is a relative link
if link.startswith("/"):
link = link[1:]
elif link.startswith("#") or link.startswith("mailto:"):
clean_link = "https://" + local_domain + "/" + link
if clean_link is not None:
if clean_link.endswith("/"):
clean_link = clean_link[:-1]
# Return the list of hyperlinks that are within the same domain
return list(set(clean_links))
def crawl(url):
# Parse the URL and get the domain
local_domain = urlparse(url).netloc
# Create a queue to store the URLs to crawl
queue = deque([url])
# Create a set to store the URLs that have already been seen (no duplicates)
seen = set([url])
# Create a directory to store the text files
if not os.path.exists("text/"):
if not os.path.exists("text/"+local_domain+"/"):
os.mkdir("text/" + local_domain + "/")
# Create a directory to store the csv files
if not os.path.exists("processed"):
# While the queue is not empty, continue crawling
while queue:
# Get the next URL from the queue
url = queue.pop()
print(url) # for debugging and to see the progress
# Save text from the url to a <url>.txt file
with open('text/'+local_domain+'/'+url[8:].replace("/", "_") + ".txt", "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
# Get the text from the URL using BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, "html.parser")
# Get the text but remove the tags
text = soup.get_text()
# If the crawler gets to a page that requires JavaScript, it will stop the crawl
if ("You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." in text):
print("Unable to parse page " + url + " due to JavaScript being required")
# Otherwise, write the text to the file in the text directory
# Get the hyperlinks from the URL and add them to the queue
for link in get_domain_hyperlinks(local_domain, url):
if link not in seen:
import pandas as pd
# Create a list to store the text files
# Get all the text files in the text directory
for file in os.listdir("text/" + domain + "/"):
# Open the file and read the text
with open("text/" + domain + "/" + file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
text =
# Omit the first 11 lines and the last 4 lines, then replace -, _, and #update with spaces.
texts.append((file[11:-4].replace('-',' ').replace('_', ' ').replace('#update',''), text))
# Create a dataframe from the list of texts
df = pd.DataFrame(texts, columns = ['fname', 'text'])
# Set the text column to be the raw text with the newlines removed
df['text'] = df.fname + ". " + remove_newlines(df.text)
import tiktoken
# Load the cl100k_base tokenizer which is designed to work with the ada-002 model
tokenizer = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
df = pd.read_csv('processed/scraped.csv', index_col=0)
df.columns = ['title', 'text']
# Tokenize the text and save the number of tokens to a new column
df['n_tokens'] = df.text.apply(lambda x: len(tokenizer.encode(x)))
# Visualize the distribution of the number of tokens per row using a histogram
max_tokens = 500
# Function to split the text into chunks of a maximum number of tokens
def split_into_many(text, max_tokens = max_tokens):
# Split the text into sentences
sentences = text.split('. ')
# Get the number of tokens for each sentence
n_tokens = [len(tokenizer.encode(" " + sentence)) for sentence in sentences]
chunks = []
tokens_so_far = 0
chunk = []
# Loop through the sentences and tokens joined together in a tuple
for sentence, token in zip(sentences, n_tokens):
# If the number of tokens so far plus the number of tokens in the current sentence is greater
# than the max number of tokens, then add the chunk to the list of chunks and reset
# the chunk and tokens so far
if tokens_so_far + token > max_tokens:
chunks.append(". ".join(chunk) + ".")
chunk = []
tokens_so_far = 0
# If the number of tokens in the current sentence is greater than the max number of
# tokens, go to the next sentence
if token > max_tokens:
# Otherwise, add the sentence to the chunk and add the number of tokens to the total
tokens_so_far += token + 1
return chunks
shortened = []
# Loop through the dataframe
for row in df.iterrows():
# If the text is None, go to the next row
if row[1]['text'] is None:
# If the number of tokens is greater than the max number of tokens, split the text into chunks
if row[1]['n_tokens'] > max_tokens:
shortened += split_into_many(row[1]['text'])
# Otherwise, add the text to the list of shortened texts
shortened.append( row[1]['text'] )
def create_context(
question, df, max_len=1800, size="ada"
Create a context for a question by finding the most similar context from the dataframe
# Get the embeddings for the question
q_embeddings = openai.Embedding.create(input=question, engine='text-embedding-ada-002')['data'][0]['embedding']
# Get the distances from the embeddings
df['distances'] = distances_from_embeddings(q_embeddings, df['embeddings'].values, distance_metric='cosine')
returns = []
cur_len = 0
# Sort by distance and add the text to the context until the context is too long
for i, row in df.sort_values('distances', ascending=True).iterrows():
# Add the length of the text to the current length
cur_len += row['n_tokens'] + 4
# If the context is too long, break
if cur_len > max_len:
# Else add it to the text that is being returned
# Return the context
return "\n\n###\n\n".join(returns)
def answer_question(
question="Am I allowed to publish model outputs to Twitter, without a human review?",
Answer a question based on the most similar context from the dataframe texts
context = create_context(
# If debug, print the raw model response
if debug:
print("Context:\n" + context)
# Create a completions using the question and context
response = openai.Completion.create(
prompt=f"Answer the question based on the context below, and if the question can't be answered based on the context, say \"I don't know\"\n\nContext: {context}\n\n---\n\nQuestion: {question}\nAnswer:",
return response["choices"][0]["text"].strip()
except Exception as e:
return ""
answer_question(df, question="What day is it?", debug=False)
answer_question(df, question="What is our newest embeddings model?")
answer_question(df, question="What is ChatGPT?")
"I don't know."
'The newest embeddings model is text-embedding-ada-002.'
'ChatGPT is a model trained to interact in a conversational way. It is able to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.'